13 Jan 2016

Single Lagos Babe: The Best Time To Have Sex

Apparently there are several best times to have sex, times when you enjoy it more. I stumbled upon this topic while surfing the internet and decided to share it with you.
Early Morning Sex
I know that most guys usually wake up in the morning ready to go but it is said that for both parties, the energy levels are higher in the morning and this will keep you and your partner bonded through the day.
Before a Presentation
We all know that giving presentations can be nerve racking and a bit stressful, having sex just before a presentation will reduce your stress and blood pressure levels.
After a Stressful Work Day
There is nothing that lifts the spirit more after a hard day’s work than great sex. It improves your mood for a couple of days. Besides working out all that tension and frustration in bed can make you a passionate and enthusiastic lover.
When you are under the Weather
The last thing on a sick person’s mind is sex, besides thinking of the germs you would pass to your partner makes me shudder but it has been said that sex boosts the immune system.
When you are ovulating
Some women are actually in a constant state of ‘hornyness’ during this period and sex is actually much more enjoyable and passionate. But if you are not ready to start a family please avoid having sex at this period or use protection.

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