14 Jan 2016

15 Things To Do With Your Loved Ones This Valentine

Happy African American Man & Woman Couple

No matter how old you are or how long you’ve been together, Valentine’s Day still has the tendency to bring out the romance in everyone. If you’re tired of the same old dinner, date, then home to bed routine, however, here are some ways to shake it up a little bit.
  1. Leave your sweetheart a romantic voice or text message on his/her cell phone to wake him/her up.
  2. Send him/ her cute romantic stuff such as handwritten love notes, BB voice notes, naughty DMs, for your-eyes-only pictures, limited edition perfumes, sexy lingerie, or other custom-made but not necessarily expensive gifts that you know will be loved and appreciated.
  3. Plan a One-Night or Weekend Getaway to a Romantic Destination. This year, Valentine’s Day is on Sunday, so it might be very easy to arrange this. Take your partner out on a date to an exotic place. Depending on your budget, you could even leave town together for a minute! If not, find a babysitter or beg grandparents, aunts and uncles, or anyone else to watch the children for a few hours at their house, and have a romantic interlude at your own home.
  4. If you have to stay in, spice up your Valentine’s experience with heated oils, lubes, lotions, and other things. These things always make the occasion a little more special. If you have to use lubrication on a regular basis, change it up for this occasion by getting a scented or flavored one. You might want to let your partner do a “spot test” first, however, just to make sure there are no allergic reactions. Nothing will spoil the mood faster than itching or tingling, or worse, breaking out or even more severe reactions.
  5. Dance the night away- Swing to the sounds of jazz, some blues or some Cool music, Dance with your partner, nothing else can put you in the mood than this.
  6. Couples massage – After a long week, a nice rubdown might be a good way to start the evening. Not only will it relieve stress, it also elevates endorphins, which rev up your sex drive. By the time you leave, you’ll both be ready to hit the sheets.
  7. Dinner and a movie…in style- Gourmet food. Full bar. Luxury seating. In-seat service. Some Theatres have turned date nights into a luxurious experience, Sip one of their signature cocktails and you are already in the Mood.
  8. Try a new restaurant or a local favorite- You might have been visiting one Restaurant for a while, you can plan ahead and take your sweetheart to a romantic restaurant you’ve been dying to try. Better yet, take her to a restaurant that represents something special to you both. Being wined and dined in a romantic spot is sure to bring back those first date butterflies.
  9. Take a sunset cruise, ferry style- you can plan a sunset cruise soak up some alone time, along with incredible scenery, with your valentine. Time it right and you can catch a great view of the sun setting across the skyline.
  10. Play tourist- Yea, behave as if you are a Tourist in your own Locality, you can go and see exceptional places in your Locality you have not been to in a while, like the Local museum, a Historic site, the Beach, the Zoo and so on, Explore your city, don’t be a stranger in your own environment, you can check them out and what better time than this Val and with your Sweetheart of course.
  11. Valentine can also be a day to show love to your loved ones, such as your Parents, Siblings, Colleagues, neighbours, etc. Send some gifts such as a cute card, teddy bear, flowers, chocolate and cakes to all your loved ones to also show them how much you care about them
  12. You can Add a touch of red and white to your outfit to symbolize the season.
  13. If you are single you can pamper yourself with love. Like going shopping alone; spoiling yourself with gifts you can even go to movies alone. You can decide to stay indoors to read a book, meditate, relax, cook a special meal for yourself and enjoy the ambience of being alone. You can go to a spa, do some facial makeover and enjoy the fun of being attended to.
  14. Break off from a damaging relationship. What better time to demonstrate how much you love yourself and your future, by walking away from that partner that has made your life more than miserable? He beats you? Shows beyond reasonable doubts that he doesn’t value you? Don’t even wait till Monday- take a walk now!
  15. Tie the knots. Yeah, absolutely, what other way to celebrate love than to get married to your sweetheart already..

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