21 Dec 2015

14 Dec 2015

Who’s making a name for you?

Leave the familiar. If you want to get ahead, get uncomfortable. Are you ready to purposely make yourself feel insecure?
List the reasons. More Reasons = More Motivation. How many do you have?
Loosen the mind. Thinking isn’t as important as people think. When was the last time your meditated?
Magnify the positive. All that hokey, cheesy, corny crap about attitude actually works. Try it. How many affirmations have you recited today?
Meet the world. Actually, let me rephrase that: Let the world meet you. How will the meeting go?
Orchestrate the circumstances. “Well, it is what it is,” people resign. Bullshit. It isn’t what it is – it is what you ALLOW it to be. It isn’t what it is – it is what you RESPOND to it as. And it isn’t what it is – it is what you CHOOSE to change it into. Are you a make-things-happen guy, a watch-things-happen guy, or a what-the-hell-just-happened guy?
Probe the known. The only thing you should fear is the KNOWN. That’s the dangerous part. When you refuse to ask HOW you know what you know. Do you believe what you believe because you actually believe or because someone told you to believe?
Reconsider the experts. Those guys are morons. Especially the ones who use statistics and facts to support their bullshit theories. Here’s an idea: Instead of paying twenty dollars for the next business book pumped full of recycled wisdom and unoriginal drivel; go ask someone who’s actually DONE something. Go ask a thinker. Go ask someone who doesn’t call herself an “expert.” You’re better off. Is this person an expert or someone who just got lucky once?
Strengthen the alignment. Not balance. Balance is for ballerinas. You need to be aligned. Consistent. Strong. Straight. That’s what counts. That’s what people notice. How aligned are you?
Unlearn the past. Most people have a learning style. Or a learning plan. What about an UN-learning style? What’s your UN-learning plan?
REMEMBER: If you want to make a name for yourself, start becoming the living brochure of your own awesomeness.
Stick yourself out there today.
Who’s making a name for you?


11 Dec 2015


Leave the familiar. If you want to get ahead, get uncomfortable. Are you ready to purposely make yourself feel insecure?

Image result wey dey for familiar

List the reasons. More Reasons = More Motivation. How many do you have?
Image result wey dey for reason and motivative

Loosen the mind. Thinking isn’t as important as people think. When was the last time your meditated?


Harvest the learning. Become the world’s expert at learning from your experiences. Nobody will be able to stop you. What did you learn today?

Incorporate the mistake. The minute you write it down is the moment it starts being a mentor. The minute you learn from it is the moment it starts being a lesson. And the minute you give thanks for it is the moment it starts begetting an opportunity. How could you turn screw-ups into tune-ups?
Image result wey dey for mistake

10 Dec 2015


End the dependency. For once, try depending on YOU. At least you can trust that person. Right? Right?
Image result wey dey for dependency

Enter the pain. Stop resisting and it will stop persisting. Learn to love it. Relax into your tension. Breathe instead of reacting. You’ll discover that what you feel isn’t actually pain – just discomfort. And it’s a beautiful part of the life experience, teaching you something about yourself that’s very important. What is your body trying to communicate to you?

Eliminate the losers.

Eliminate the losers. Hang out with people who make money. Not people who want to learn how YOU make money. Do you need richer friends?
Image result wey dey for LOSERS

Embody the values. Don’t “have” commitment – BE commitment. Be the walking translation of your values. People will follow you just to see where you go next. How followable are you?
Image result wey dey for committment

4 Dec 2015

Never overlook the strategy of remaining completely irrational, unreasonable, illogical and insane. Sanity is overrated anyway.

Court the irrational. Never overlook the strategy of remaining completely irrational, unreasonable, illogical and insane. Sanity is overrated anyway. How absurd are you willing to be?
Image result wey dey for irrational

Determine the destination. Don’t worry about how you’re going to get there. Begin with the end in mind and a road will eventually appear. Your problem will have no choice but to be solved. When was the last time you updated your vision board?

 Image result wey dey for vision